Thursday, May 10, 2012

Twin Meat Loaves

Meatloaf.  For me, prior to getting my hands on this recipe, the usual feeling that came over me when hearing this word went something like, Meatloaf? Ick! Somehow just that word alone conjured up a fear of bad cafeteria food.  The.worst.  "Disgusting" was my original response, no lie.  Followed by: "I'll never ever make that."  Well, things they have a changed thanks to a little recipe for Twin Meat Loaves from a cookbook given to me as a gift a few years ago.  Unfortunately, I cannot divulge the name of the cookbook on my blog due to the nature of it's title.  Let's just say its a play on words, well, play on letters, that stand for something very good but when abbreviated could be perceived as less than desirable if you aren't familiar with the reason behind it.  I digress.  It's actually a widely popular cookbook and is usually found in cute little boutiques all over the South.{note: if you'd like the name of the cookbook, message me and I'll send it over}. 

Let's get to the recipe now.  The smart writers of this cookbook named the meatloaf recipe "Twin Meat Loaves," instead of just plain ole "Meatloaf," I believe, because most people {besides my crazy ole self} probably steer clear of this dish as well because of its bad rap as a school cafeteria staple.

I promise this recipe will not disappoint and me, it certainly does not taste like it came out of a cafeteria!  May any of your fears of meatloaf be put to rest as mine have been!  Bon appetit!  

Twin Meat Loaves

Ingredients for meat loaves:
3 cups soft bread cubes {I use cheap white bread and pinch apart to about 1/2 inch cubes}
1.5 lbs ground beef
.5 lbs ground pork
1/4 cup diced onion
1/4 cup chopped celery {I use green bell pepper bc we like that better}
3/4 cup milk {I use skim to cut calories}
2 eggs
1 Tablespoons Worcestershire Sauce
1.5 Tsp Salt
.5 Tsp Pepper {I use the same amount as the salt}
.5 Tsp Poultry Seasoning {I use same amt as salt and pepper}

Sauce:  {Easy, breezy and delish!! This MAKES this dish so don't skip it}
1/4 cup ketchup
2 Tabelspoons Corn Syrup

Get all ingredients on counter in front of you

Prep/Chop veggies
Soak bread cubes in milk.  Add eggs.
Beat with hand mixer

Add all other ingrediets EXCEPT for sauce ingredients

Stir all together with spoon or use your best tools, your hands
Sounds gross I know but its the best way to incorporate it all.

Place into greased pyrex and form into two twin loaves and pop
into oven at 350 degrees for 1 hour

Mix sauce together and cover with cling at room temp or in fridge

Pull twin meat loaves out of oven and cover tops with the sauce. 
Back into oven for 15 mins.

Slice meat and serve with twice baked potato or a salad.  Enjoy!!!

1 comment:

  1. Ty, ty ty!!! I LOVE this recipe, & have been looking for it for a very long time - I know I wrote it down, but it's hiding somewhere... My ex threw away my Cookbook just cuz he knew I loved it...I believe in Karma. Tried a few times to find it on-line, but finally!! TY!!
