Friday, May 9, 2014

Nursery Reveal

While I was pregnant with Brooks, I spent most of my lunch breaks at Target, Home Goods and TJ Maxx scouting out reasonably priced accessory items to fill his nursery with.  This room, no doubt, is my favorite room in our home!  It's so peaceful and serene.  Before I had Brooks, I would glide in the glider after dinner in his nursery day dreaming away about what our baby would look like, what he would sound like.  It relaxed me so much yet made me super excited about motherhood all at the same time! {Side Note: I was also as big as a truck and ready for Baby B to make his appearance so the glider worked wonders for my poor back!} The photos aren't great from my iphone but you get the gist of his room tour below...

The inspiration for Brooks's room came from a Serena and Lily magazine.  I knew I wanted to sink the majority of the budget into his bedding because, well, it's so important! I wanted simple, crisp bedding, nothing wild or busy. I will say, we spent relatively little money overall since our furniture pieces were either given to us and/or we revamped furniture we currently had. For the bedding, we went with the Chambray Yacht Stripe crib skirt, white bumper {yes, we use a bumper though I realize it can be a controversial what's best for you and your baby}, and a medallion print crib sheet. Serena and Lily, I recognize, can be quite expensive.  However, they have really great sales from time to time and I recently discovered their overstock is sold at...wait for it....Marshall's!!!!!  Whaaaaat whaaat!!! And I mean at a maja discount!



Dylan and I naturally both gravitate towards blues, grays, and white so those would for sure be incorporated into his room.  However, I also wanted an accent color outside of my comfort zone so it would set his room apart from all the other rooms in the house. We went with bright red!  I also wanted to incorporate elephants and giraffe's.  At the time, it was all the rage in the baby nursery catalog/blog world! If you choose Serena and Lily bedding, make sure to get the fabric samples along with your order.  They truly helped me stay the course when out shopping for accessories. That goes for all their bedding, curtains, etc.

The Color Pallet:


Here are final some pics of the room.

This cute little elephant garden stool was a Home Goods purchase for $10 on clearance.  It was originally this putrid color orange and Dylan simply spray painted it white.


Another little elephant from Home Goods.  Ya think I like that store or what?!

This little picture below is a total DIY on my part.  I took the giraffe off of a gift bag and backed it with gray and white chevron wrapping paper then craft paper behind that.  I think it turned out okay! ; )  The frame is from Ikea.

The white curtains are from Target. 

Baskets for the changing table..a total must!  The top one in the pic below is guessed it...Home Goods.  Gah, I should be their spokesperson! It houses his medicine, extra wipes, baby lotion, powder, baby oil, nail clippers, hairbrush etc. The wire baskets on the bottom are for diapers and for his jammies ; ) Those were TJ Maxx.

I DIY'd this little picture as well.  Just a free printable I found on Pinterest that I colored in with red marker and hung with red and white striped ribbon from Joanne's Fabric.  We used the same ribbon as tie backs for his white curtains.

I think Brooks likes it! ; )  The crib was a gift from our neighbors in Roswell before we moved to Cumming.  I begged them to let me pay them for it but they would only accept a homemade casserole that I basically shoved in their face as payment! Sweet folks are still out there, they really are! And we are surely thankful for that! Random Act of Kindness...always pay it forward!!


These shelves are very old and made by my paternal grandmother out of thread spools. How special! Anyone who knows me well, knows I LOVE furniture pieces with a story behind them.  Especially, heirloom pieces from my family.  We spray painted them for that pop of red we were looking for!

Hope you enjoyed the tour! I cannot believe our little guy is already 7 months old.  I thought I knew what my capacity to love was prior to this baby's birth.  Man, was I in for a treat! I had no idea that my heart would triple in size all because of this precious gift from God.  I am truly blessed and so excited and thankful for my first Mother's Day and for every day with my sweet baby boy!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Dining Room Before and After

Moving into a new home at nearly 8 months pregnant brings a whole new definition to the word "nesting." I quite literally went through each room with a design plan in mind {equipped with folders and inspiration boards} and my body clock ticking away. How would we ever bring a baby into a house that didn't have new curtains, couches, blinds, rugs, paint, etc.  Wow, I was a total mom-zilla!  My poor husband didn't stand a chance. Shout out to all the daddy's out there who put up with their wife's pregnancy hormones!

Needless to say, everything did not get done before the baby came and we still have tons to do.  And that turned out to be A.OK.  Silly me.  I would advise anyone moving while pregnant to take a breath, relax and just focus on the baby's room...not the entire house.  Frankly, your baby won't care at all about your decorations and design. They simply want to eat and sleep and be loved. ; ) After Brooks was born and I got accustomed to our "new normal," we added a few more things to the dining room.  So here it is, before and after.  We still have some work to do {paint, new lighting fixture} but so far so good!

Before {a mess!}:



The crown jewel of this space is the farm table.  The reclaimed wood is from our land in South Ga and my sweet daddy went on a mission to get it from an old, nearly dilapidated house located there.  After quite a few nine yellow jacket stings...bless his heart, the wood was removed, stained, and put together by Mr. Dan Bolton. We even have a Roman Numeral IX carved in the leg of one side of the table in remembrance of my dad's yellow jacket encounter!  I am obsessed with this table!!  Not only for it's beauty but for the story behind it as well.  Over 100 year old wood that now looks rich and vibrant.  What more could a girl want?!  And I'm the lucky one who gets to have her family sit down at it every night at dinner.  Even if we're having takeout for dinner...Dylan, Brooks and I make it a priority to enjoy time together here every evening. In this space. At this table. Where we'll watch Brooks grow from his highchair to a real chair.  Making memories? Yes, please! : )

Before {the original wood}:




Shopping Sources:
Rug- Rooms to Go
Curtains- Wayfair
Moss Balls- Joanne's Fabric
Peacock Feathers-425 Market Place Antiques
Mirror- Gift from a friend : )
Painting- Kirkland's (I've had this for about 3 years)
Dining Room Chairs:  Another gift, I repainted them white
Brown Placemats- Bed, Bath and Beyond
Gold Charger's- Michael's
Brown & White Willow Salad Plates- Home Goods
White Dinner Plate- Our wedding china