Friday, January 27, 2012

Friday Favorites

TGIF! I'm one happy girl today!  Every Friday for that matter. The weekend is my bestest friend.  I get to hang with my sweet husband and our "babies" and I'm super pumped to celebrate my sister, Jennifer's, birthday!!!  My parents are coming to visit as well and Dylan and I are hosting lunch at our house on Saturday to salute Jenny. 

Time to share my Friday Faves:

1. Hydrangeas.  These flowers make my heart smile.  They are beautiful and delicate yet robust.  The white ones are my favorite.  They were an integral flower in our wedding arrangements and my bouquet.  I shared the love of this flower with my sweet Mama Ruth and remember her fondly each time I see them or buy them for our home.  I treated myself to some yesterday from Trader Joe's.  So cheap too!

2. I have gotten lazy as I've gotten older.  So sad, but true.  Makeup lazy that is.  Gone are the days of lingering in front of the mirror trying different shades of eye shadow and working at new makeup techniques to "change up" my look.  Now, it's a routine.  Current mentality: Get the makeup on as fast as possible and get out the door.  The only exception to this laziness is when Dylan and I have date night out.  Then, I'm puttin a little more effort into dressing up real nice for my man : )
The weekdays, however, forget it.  Quick process is desired so you need quick products to fill that requirement.  Enter this cream to powder foundation by Urban Decay. The name is less than desirable {who the heck does their product development and marketing...not so sure about them} but the stuff inside this purple disk is phenomenal!  Super easy to put on. There is a mirror inside the compact as well as a brush for application.  Highly recommend!


3. Yankee Candle {Orchard scent}.  It makes the house smell lovely and burns clean unlike some candles.  I like the color of it too.  I got ours at Home Goods cause I shop cheap!  You can probably get this at any store that sells Yankee Candles.

4.  Balsamic Vinegar from Roswell Provisions.  I've mentioned this before and would like to include it in my Friday Favorites because it is another staple.  I'm all about balsamic strawberries to serve with breakfast, to put on salads with a little crumbled feta, even to have as a dessert over vanilla ice cream.  Balsamic Strawberries never fail to be scrumptious all by themselves or on whatever they touch!  So basically, all you do is slice strawberries and drizzle balsamic over them and sprinkle with a little sugar.  Stir to coat all strawberries, cover with cling wrap, and refrigerate.  Balsamic is also great to make vinaigrette, to drizzle over carrots or asparagus and roast in the oven, as a glaze on chicken wings, I could go on... Any good quality aged balsamic will do the trick!  My fave just happens to be the brand at Roswell Provisions.
{imagine that!}
I love the little bicycle logo on all their products!

Balsamic Strawberries again with last week's breakfast!
5.  Bright, hot pink and orange nail polish.  The dreary cold weather is making me itch for bright sunshine so I found a way to brighten up my days...with bold bright super fun nail polish colors.  I still dig red polish and darker polishes but these two pretties make me happy when skies are grey.  Sinful Colors Professionals in "Folly" and O.P.I in "Cajun Shrimp" {yet another strange name "cajun shrimp", huh??} Still fabo though!  These are sold at Walgreens, Target, most any drug store chain and some grocery stores.

Enjoy your weekend and enjoy these favorites!  : )  Bowden out!

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