Happy Friday!! This week seemed to drag a bit but that is a-okay because the weekend is now upon us. Tonight, we'll grill as usual and enjoy this beautiful Fall weather {which so far only feels like Fall at night time but we'll take what we can get!} As far as Saturday is concerned, no major plans thankfully! I intend to do some light shopping, relax a little, and do some things around the house while Dylan is fully entrenched in all this football. My, oh, my! When football season exists, not much else does! Lol : ) We'll also be ramping up for our San Fran trip and I think I have about a day's worth of laundry to attend to...eeek!
Have a fab Fall Friday!! Here are my Friday Faves:
Merrilily Gardens Sweet Heat Pepper Jelly. Sweeeet heat it is!!! This is some jam up pepper jelly for sure! I can't get enough of the stuff. Its so scrumptious smeared on a warm french baguette, spooned over a block of brie, or even served on a plain ole cracker! It has a really good balance of sweet and spicy {I always tend to gravitate more towards spicy so my palate might be different} but it really is great. You should totally try it out! Like, for real. : ) I found this at Roswell Provisions, of course, but it can also be found
Stripes! Oooh the stripes are just everywhere now...all over Pinterest, House Beautiful magazine, home decor blogs, etc. So I jumped on the bandwagon. Note: I jumped on the bandwagon in a small way, but what a statement it made! Our boring ole hallway got a face lift! Well, more like a lil Botox. My amateur process is in pics below. Just painter's tape and measuring tape and some leftover paint I had from the dining room accent walls. This paint color doesn't show too well in the pics, but you get the gist.
Almost done!! Tackling the pesky corners about pushed me over the edge. The smallest paint brush I had would not
work like I needed it to so my recourse was a whole lot of q-tips.
Uh-huh, you read right, q-tips. The only things small enough to get the edges just "so."
Tada!! |
The small table is from Kirkland's. Very cheap but so pretty to me! |
See my dear head decor?!? lol. Dylan is adjusting well. |
Taco Soup. This soup is sooooo good! So fulfilling and tasty and a perfect way to welcome Fall. I made this and it lasted 4 days and we still couldn't finish it because it yields so much! The longer it sits in the fridge, the better it gets. We eat ours with corn scoop chips and a dollop of fat free sour cream. This is my mom's recipe that I cannot share but there are many variations out there. I would suggest Paula Dean's recipe found
{here}. Or come up with your own.
Pumpkin Topiary. Much like the stripes phenomenon, I've seen these cute little pumpkin topiaries popping up everywhere! Dylan and I took a trip to our fave farmer's market in Marietta,
Rick's, last weekend and they had so many pretty pumpkin topiaries of different color combos. I, of course, fell in love. So we purchased some and away I went putting ours together at home. You can do moss in between the pumpkins but I started with magnolia leaves from our magnolia tree in the front yard. Once these leaves turn brown, I'll change it up and put moss in their place. For now, here's some pics of our p-kin topiary.
Stack up three different size pumpkins {largest at the bottom} and place in a planter or even on the ground. |
I stuck in some green magnolia leaves first |
Then, finished it off with some yellow magnolia leaves that had already fallen on the yard. |
Amber Goblets. These pretty amber goblets came from
Home Goods and they are perfect for a Fall tablescape. Pier One has lovely ones but their cost compared to Home Goods...well hello! No brainer...Home Goods pricing won out BIG time. These goblets are so sturdy and quite large which I just love. Here's a pic...
And finally, as I always end Friday Favorites...here are some pet pics! This one goes out to Sushi. His antics get weirder every day but we love him!!
Here he is in the bathroom sink patiently waiting for me to get out of the shower so that he can get in. Yes, he gets in
the shower after I get out and sits in it! There is still water left on the bottom of the tub but he likes it! Crazy cat!
And here is another favorite past time of his....unrolling the toilet paper roll!!
Have a great weekend!!